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Below are full lyrics. All lyrics are copyrighted by Cleavant Derricks © 2004-2014.

Lyrics -- A Matter Of Time

Once upon a time
I remember, when I saw you
You seemed so out of reach
Too afraid - just to know you
The innocence of being
So childlike in my mind
I didn't have the right
To say that you were mine


Oh, but I need you right now
And I want you, somehow
And if it takes forever
To overcome the odds
You just don't give up
I remember
It's only just a matter of time
It's only just a matter of time

To have you by my side
It would mean
All the world to me
If we could never be
Simply is a tragedy
I'm thinking that your heart
Belongs to someone else
If only I could win
That heartbeat for myself

(Repeat chorus)

I believe we could be always together
Want you so, a matter of time
I believe we could be always together
Want you so, a matter of time

Copyright © 2001 Cleavant Derricks
Site Design by Brian Harnish